Exterior Elevation Design
Outstanding aesthetic architecture designs that define you from far away in just a single glance
Pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the systems, and expound the actually teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human uts happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally Nor who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.

Exterior Front Elevation could be based on various conditions like:
- Environmental condition of house design location
- Temperature variability in house design location.
- Usage of house owner.
- Location of Plot i.e. in village are, in town, in govt. planned societies, Builder planned societies etc.
- Rules and regulation of local authorities.
- Security and safety of house owner.
- Environmental condition of house design location
- Temperature variability in house design location.
- Usage of house owner.
- Location of Plot i.e. in village are, in town, in govt. planned societies, Builder planned societies etc.
- Rules and regulation of local authorities.
- Security and safety of house owner.
- Simplex House Elevation
- Duplex House Elevation
- Triplex House Elevation
- Independent House Elevation
- Bungalow House elevation
An exterior elevation design is the height of a building from the ground to its highest point. When it’s low, it doesn’t provide much protection against natural disasters like earthquakes and high winds. However, when a building is tall, it can protect people from rain, snow, and other natural hazards. This is because the rain falls at a more horizontal angle rather than straight down on buildings with low elevations.
Exterior elevation design is important for residential, commercial, and industrial building purposes. Developments in architectural engineering have meant that the exterior elevation can be designed to function as part of the building’s architecture. This includes features such as balconies, outdoor spaces, outdoor seating, and other components. It defines everything from the building’s height, to its shape, to where windows and doors will be located. When designing an exterior elevation, focus on what will happen at that location during certain times of day or year.